
Posted: Friday 14th April 2023

Tigresses squad numbers for 2023

Castleford Tigers Women are pleased to announce the squad numbers for the Tigresses 2023 campaign.

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Castleford Tigers Women are pleased to announce the squad numbers for the Tigresses 2023 campaign. 

For the first time, the Castleford Tigers Women’s side will have dedicated numbers, as required now by the RFL, while also having their names on the back of their shirts. For the girls, this is something that they’ve never had before, and for this season’s co-captains, Kaitlin Varley and Maisie Lumb, it’s something that they’ve always dreamt of.  

Maisie Lumb said, “Obviously playing down here being from Cas means a lot to me anyway, but to have my name on the back of the shirt it’s amazing! I’ve no words that can come close to describing it really.” 

“Names on the shirts is just a starting point for us, it can only go upwards from there. It’s just amazing to see new faces coming in week in week out, it shows we’re improving. It’s an honour to play for my hometown. I don’t think I would want to play anywhere else. Growing up here and coming down’t lane watching the men’s teams, and now I get to do it. It’s just brilliant.” 

Kaitlin Varley has been given the number she wanted and has worked hard to achieve and, like all the other girls in the squad, cannot wait to run out on the field with her name above the number. 

“I’m really buzzing. I’ve got the number 3 shirt, so the centre shirt. I’m really excited and can’t wait to get going. I think having the name on the back of our shirts gives it more meaning, people knowing who you are. The girls are really excited by it and the names are a good thing to be given. It shows a huge growth in the game. Last year we didn’t have dedicated numbers or names on the back, so to be given the shirt on gameweek, it’s really special.” 

Newly announced Head Coach, Rob Richardson is hopeful that the girls understand that even though they have a huge squad of 33, that each one will be involved at some stage. He also spoke of his gratitude to Mick Morgan for coming down and expressing the real meaning behind playing for Castleford and being part of the Tigers family. 

“I hope they realise that it’s a squad game and I fully expect each and every one of them to play a big part in the season.” 

“We’re a relatively new part of the club so it’s hard to pick a ‘legend’ of the Women’s game at Cas, so for Mick Morgan to come along and present the shirts and speak of what it means to play for Castleford it’s massive to show how much of a part of the club the Women are. There’s probably none better than Mick to give that message today." 

Castleford legend Mick Morgan was on hand at the shirt presentation evening to help give the shirts out. He believes that it can only mean good things for the Women’s game and knows just what it means to play for the town. 

“It’s all part of the system., It’s great to see. They’re all brilliant people. The sponsors were in to see them being given their shirts so it’s great to see it go well. They deserve it. They play for the Cas badge so they deserve their shirts to have their names on.” 

“You see the Women’s game on Sky, Channel 4 and BBC now. They do a really good job of covering it. There’s some really, really good players! The club you’re with, you give everything and that’s what they’ll do for Castleford when they step out onto the field.” 

The Tigresses kick off their season this coming Sunday against Salford Red Devils Women down at Wheldon Road. 2023 Tiger Town Members get free access to the game so get down and support the Tigresses as they look to start the season with a victory at The Jungle. 

Castleford Tigers Women Squad Numbers 2023

  1. Emmi McFarlane 
  2. Allana Waller 
  3. Kaitlin Varley 
  4. Caitlin Johnson 
  5. Lauren Waller 
  6. Abby Cromack 
  7. Alisha Nix 
  8. Ruby Parker 
  9. Liv Riding 
  10. Steph Spence-Hirst 
  11. Emily White 
  12. Aimee-Leigh Wood 
  13. Maisie Lumb 
  14. Maddison Rainey 
  15. Bethannie Seisay-Reynolds 
  16. Laura Stanworth 
  17. Courtney Evans 
  18. Ellie Brown 
  19. Liv Atherton 
  20. Tahnee Holmes 
  21. Bryony Jackson 
  22. Millie Morgan 
  23. Martha Brown 
  24. Lisa Box 
  25. Em Johnstone 
  26. Georgia Smith 
  27. Honor Ratcliffe 
  28. Laura Carrington 
  29. Emily Carlisle 
  30. Sam Burnell 
  31. Gabbi Ellis 
  32. Abbie Fox 
  33. Grace Ashurst-Bagshaw 
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